DECODER identifies the most relevant tech news in Canada and breaks down the facts and fundamentals in 100 words. We save you time and brainpower by presenting a daily scroll of succinct stories that matter without sacrificing important information.
DECODER is looking for content partners to join our news stream. As a partner, DECODER will amplify your original news content and drive valuable traffic to your site. Established partners include Calgary.tech, Fintech.ca, Techcouver.com, and Techtalent.ca.
PR Firms:
Amplify your client’s news releases or announcements by receiving coverage on DECODER. An alternative to traditional press release distribution on a newswire, Decoder breaks down your client’s news and gets it online quickly. Send us your press release to see what DECODER can do for you.
Tech Companies & Startups:
With the tech news landscape busier than ever, DECODER can help you break through the noise. Whether you announce your big news with a tweet, blog post, or press release, Decoder can quickly turn it into concise, hard-hitting content that gets read. Once your company is established on DECODER with its own page, you’ll be able to leverage the site for marketing and hiring purposes as well.
DECODER’s readers want to be aware of all things happening in Canadian tech and that includes being familiar with the newest trends. DECODER’s Glossary aims to educate our readers on the most important terms in today’s tech lexicon. The Glossary presents an opportunity for companies to position themselves as thought leaders through brand association.
Reach out to learn more about how to work with DECODER: news@decoder.ca.